Thursday, May 24, 2007

Welcome to Jan's Writing Lane

Welcome to Jan's Writing Lane

Everyone wants to "have written," but the hard part is actually doing the excruciating work of writing--putting the ideas swimming in your head onto the pages and changing the tense from writing to have written. For a long time, I've been wanting to "have written" a writing blog, but I have been too busy to sit down and blog.

Busy is good. It means you are active, engaged in life. Busy times are a good way of stockpiling experiences that you can draw on when writing.

This past year I went back to school to work on a degree in creative writing and literature. Other than my article writing and editing job, I haven't had much time to write creatively. But oh my, have I been stockpiling.

What new experiences have you plunged into lately? I don't believe in writer's block. I believe in writer's blah. I think lack of creativity is a result of ruts--doing the same thing, going the same places, seeing the same people, reading the same things.

Shake up your life. Do something different. Drive to work a different way. And very soon little bubbles of inspiration will rise out of that stagnant pool that has been your mind.


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